Musik & Wort - Kunst des Erzählens

Musik & Wort - Kunst des Erzählens
CDs & Alben:
Musik & Wort ~ Kunst des Erzählens
Buddhist Shõmyõ & Gregorian ChantsBuddhist Shõmyõ & Gregorian Chants
Musica Sacra
Buddhistische Gebete & Gregorianische Gesänge
Musica Sacra ~ Ein Dialog zweier geistiger Kulturen
auf der Grundlage der Musik der buddhistischen und der christlichen Tradition
Die Schola Gregoriana Pragensis & die Buddhistischen Mönche
der Japanischen Tendai-Schule "Gjosan-rjú Tendai Sómjó"
(Japanischer buddhistischer Männerchor).
Künstlerische Leiter: Saikawa Buntai & David Eben.
Ein Konzertmitschnitt aus der Kirche des
UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes Kloster Maulbronn
HD-Aufnahme · DDD · ca. 73 Minuten
EUR 22,00SpotifyDeezerNapsterYouTube MusicApple MusicNaxos Music MusicTidalAmazon.deiTunesQobuz HDPresto Music HDeClassical HDHD TracksE-Onkyo HDReview

***** Amazing - The best of YouTube video!

Ein Hörer bei YouTube


***** Beautiful

This is stunningly beautiful, particularly track 14. I liked it so much I plan to purchase a couple more for gifts.

Susan B. bei


***** Highly recommended

The Tendai monks and the Schola Gregoriana Pragensis ensemble have created a wonderful recording resulting from their mutual collaboration at concerts and liturgy in Prague in 2000 and on tour of Japan in 2005. These meditative encounters focus on interesting contrasts in the two musical languages and expressions, at the same time seeking common elements present in both traditions. Parallels can be found in the recitation of the sacred text or in the interpretation principle of alternating a soloist with a choir, which overlaps the boundaries of confession repertoires. Another striking feature is the tonality based on the pentatonic scale appearing both in shomyo singing and Gregorian chant. This unique collaboration has produced music of mesmerising beauty and intensity. Highly recommended.

New Classics UK


Qobuz Hi-Res Audio

Von Qobuz im März 2012 mit dem "Hi-Res Audio" ausgezeichnet.



***** Raises your spirits and nourishes your soul

Beautiful music. Raises my spirits and nourishes my soul.

Linda Hayes bei


courtesy of
